A moment in the life of...

"Be Thou My Vision"

Everyday is a new day to gratefully surrender to Jesus. He is my Peace, my Love, my Joy.

Jesus is and will always be Enough.

Friday, September 17, 2010

YAY Transfer!

It's been an awesome couples of days. Thank you Lord for always being faithful and taking us by the Hand through each moment. "God you are good and your mercy endureth forever." Thank you for getting me through my first shift off orientation. Thank you for having me by the Hand :) Continue to grow me to be the nurse you have called me to be.

Thank you for SkiaFest and for everyone leaving in roughly the same condition they arrived in. Bless those who left concussed and scabbed and swollen. God, thank you for your Spirit moving in amazing ways...Lead your people to the cross!

Way to go Kim! Got attacked by a speaker and came out smiling! Thanks for all of your help in First Aid nurse in training : ) Had an awesome time hanging out with you, Jose, Kendra, Amanda, and Tisha! May you all continue to grow in your relationship with the Lord!

Friday, September 10, 2010

season of seasoning

I'm loving growing into my role as a registered nurse. I love nursing and the fact that there is a spot for everyone to shine in their strengths. Props to my homie Keven and his love and talent in traumas. Props to Cristina and her critical thinking skills. I love that the Lord has blessed me with the ability to therapeutically communicate with all types of patients. Thank you Lord for the moments to reach those that most turn away from. Thank you Lord for the desire to reach the broken, the hopeless, and those in need of a friend.

Thank you Lord for being my competence and my strength eternal. The last three nights were my last on orientation. Thank you Lord for blessing me with Wednesdays off from here on out-Yay Transfer! Missing you all on Wednesdays-can't wait to hang out with you all again : )

Had a blast at lunch today with Sally and Casey at Mama Fu's..get excited about pot stickers, crab rangoons, and egg rolls. Congrats Casey on 7 wks along and the job at Mercy! Welcome to the family!

Come join us at SkiaFest tomorrow starting at 130-lots of bands, family, and fellowship!


Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day!

Yay for Labor Day and having a great excuse to simply rest in the arms of my Savior! Thank you Father for having a heart for rest. Today has been wonderful just chilling around the apartment.

Thank you Lord for last night at the Link! Pastor Josh and Cassandra, thank you for encouraging (infusing courage) us to dream big and teaching us that God has big dreams for us! Continue Lord to inspire us to reach for dreams that only you can accomplish!

Rachel, crazy cousin keep on dreaming big and remembering that God has placed you right where you need to be. Love ya girl and can't wait to see you soon!

Thanks for being such an awesome friend and cool cousin : )

Lisa, just found out you and your crazy family will be going to church. So excited to see how God speaks to you and grows your sweet precious family. I would put up a picture but you still haven't given me those pictures from that amazing picnic....

God, bless us all as we seek you first!