A moment in the life of...

"Be Thou My Vision"

Everyday is a new day to gratefully surrender to Jesus. He is my Peace, my Love, my Joy.

Jesus is and will always be Enough.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Shrimp Spaghetti... Say what??

Key Williams, Thank you for your sweet words of inspiration on the way home from the Link!! Get excited about new beginnings and new hearts! Let's walk it out girl. Thank you Pastor Josh for bringing the word tonight! Loving this Philippians series! I'm renewed daily as I memorize this book again. Up to verse 14. Such power in sweet discipline of scripture!

Missed hanging with the Link Family tonight but was in utter shock when I accomplished spaghetti with shrimp. I know, I know doesn't sound that complicated but the fact that my kitchen still stands proves our faithful God still makes miracles happen!!

Excited to plan the week ahead. Work outs, meals, etc. Julie, you should probably hold me accountable here! Lord, bless me as I walk in balance, health, and wholeness!!

Celebration of Discipline...

Today has been nutty.. Slept all day after finally falling asleep at 6am :( managed to make it on the treadmill before work. Walked swiftly for 1 mile.. Good times :) Aimee and I are going walking tomorrow!! YEAH! We have to encourage each other. Packed dinner tonight. Skipped the drive thru.. Going to try this no soda thing... Aah! No mellow yellow! Praying for supernatural energy for the next 5 hours!! Got some awesome encouragement from a couple RTs at work tonight! Thanks ladies!
Reading through Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster.. Good stuff.. Awesome insight. Help me Lord to keep resting in your peace and in the knowledge that you're working it all out!! Growing in health..

Friday, November 25, 2011

The JOY of the Lord is my Strength Day 2

So stinking sore.. Went to the gym today and came close to falling off that treadmill but God kept me going.. Especially when I was jogging. Hands high in the air. Can only run when I'm running with hands in the air. Haha. Thank you Jesus for making me dependent on you! Lord, increase my health, wholeness, and balance in my life.
Skipped the drive-thru, but Sushi with Mama, Emily, and Baby Aiden wasn't the healthiest choice but so so good :) and Em even approved of the brownies I made-score! Definitely motivation to keep cooking at home! Dinner tonight included mixed veggies, Japanese sweet potato (SO GOOD <-- Thank you ONF), and a chick pea pattie. I'm definitely going to have a brownie but that means Aimee and I are going to have to bring it on tomorrow's walk/jog!!
So no soda and no drive thru today: YEAH!!

Philippians 1:1-11 JOY JOY JOY!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

New journey..

Thank you God for an awesome Thanksgiving with my crazy and wonderful family!! Shout out to Evan and Buffy and the kids for making the 4 hour drive!! Love you guys!! This season makes me thankful for my life and the sweet season I'm walking through. Good times but also time to make some serious changes. I desperately need to get healthy!

Learning how to cook at home and skip the drive thru. Working nights makes this tricky but I have to do it!! Any tips would be appreciated!! Tonight I made some kick-butt Peanut Butter chocolate bars thanks to 'The Girl Who Ate Everything' website.

I need to eat healthier so stay tuned for more cooking adventures and my journey to health progress!!

Currently memorizing Philippians 1.. Definitely helps the motivation!