A moment in the life of...

"Be Thou My Vision"

Everyday is a new day to gratefully surrender to Jesus. He is my Peace, my Love, my Joy.

Jesus is and will always be Enough.

Sunday, October 4, 2015


Bring Your Own Pumpkin started out with Aiden, my 5 year old nephew, protesting the event by sitting in the van. He proceeded to give the stink eye to everyone who walked by. My friend Russ ended up extracating him from the van kicking and screaming. I convinced him to paint a pumpkin Ninja Turtle style:
Mama Hignite donated the mask. Shout out to Paul and Quinsey for a fun afternoon.
Aiden and I attended a special business meeting at church to vote on a new Children's Director. TJ Teed is our new Children's Director. I'm excited to see how his life experiences bring new life and energy into our church, our kiddos, and their families.
I'm nervous about any changes he may want to make. My mental stability is rooted in routine. I fully believe we need new focus specifically in reaching out to parents in our community who bring their kids but don't come in the door. Praying for peace as we follow TJ's lead. I'm excited to get to know him and his family and their vision for our children's ministry. Looking forward to the future and how God will use the kiddos we hangout with to impact his Kingdom!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Annual Wilkerson Hayride

Incredibly thankful to be invited in among the Pea Ridge, AR townies. I love our community of friends who have become family. Tonight was the annual Wilkerson hayride. I brought Rice Krispie treats, brownies, and Oreo dirt cups. I had a crock pot cake fail that will be made into something else. Hanging out and eating was awesome but as we all climbed aboard the trailer I knew I was headed towards adventure. This kid:

Noah is the announcer of the hayride. You never know what Noahwill say. We had story telling that consisted of haunted houses, vampires, evil squirrels, werewolves, etc. He ended up verbally derailing and started discussing the Lego Jurassic World game. 'Watch out everyone, here comes a mostest-asauras'.' Meanwhile, my sister crash lands off the hail bail on to the floor of the trailer. Somehow manages to pin her son under her. Has an asthma attack from the hay while laughing so hard she can't get up. The most epic moment of the evening happened when Noah said 'as Amy just announced.' This is a big deal. We are now co-announcers for next year's hayride. This boy is one of my favorite human beings. Shout out to Noah for making this hayride so epic.